Film Review #020 - The Terminal (2004)

The Terminal (2004) is a movie directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Andrew Niccol and Sacha Gervasi. The movie is about Viktor Navorski (cast as Tom Hanks), a man from Bulgaria. He gets stuck at JFK International Airport in New York City because his country had a civil war and his passport is no longer valid. The cinematography in The Terminal reminds me of Scorsese's style, which I really like. The camera work is amazing and it has many great camera shots that have so much depth, e.g., medium close-ups, wide shots, full shots, making more dynamic scenes. The Terminal is an engaging story with a lot of character development. Tom Hanks (Viktor) and Stanley Tucci (Dixon) both give outstanding performances, expertly bringing their characters to life. Hanks, in particular, brings a remarkable depth to the role, successfully balancing comedic and emotional elements. A notable mention is the character of Dixon, portrayed as someone who knows everything about. I found the movie’s s...