Film Review #67 - Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)

First Impression:

From the start, I must say, I love the characters (also the new ones) in Kung Fu Panda 3. They retain the charm that captured our hearts in the initial movie. It feels like reuniting with old friends, and music and sound design is crucial in evoking that sentiment. It's great, capturing the essence of "Kung Fu Panda 1".

The Positives

The music is just as captivating as before, reflecting the same quality as we saw in "Kung Fu Panda 1". However, the story is where "Kung Fu Panda 3" truly stands out for me. It seems more refined than the previous KFP 2, incorporating emotional depth and unexpected elements into a visually impressive display.

The storyline’s focus on Po’s family issues, rather than just the action, is both profound and emotionally charged, greatly enhanced by Hans Zimmer’s touching music.

The Mixed

When it comes to visuals, there was a slight hiccup at first with the animation appearing less impressive than the colorful details in the first movie, but as the film progresses, it shows its vibrant colors. It took some time for the film to find its visual stride. After 30 minutes, the animation transforms into a captivating visual experience that is just as impressive as the KFP 1. 

Kai’s voiceover is great. It’s deep, mature, and brimming with confidence, which adds a lot to the character's presence. While Kai's voiceover is a win, the way his character is visually presented didn't resonate with me as much. Moreover, his character arc feels somewhat cliché, especially compared to the more unique villains of the series.


In the end, "Kung Fu Panda 3" is a film with heart, humor, and visual splendor, especially in the last 20 minutes and the final battle scene, which are absolutely breathtaking. It maintains the series’ signature charm and elevates it with a story that’s richer and more emotionally engaging than ever. Despite a few flaws with the animation initially and some aspects of Kai's character, the film is a commendable sequel that enriches the "Kung Fu Panda" universe. My final rating stands at a solid 7/10, reflecting both my critiques and my appreciation for this charming installment.

Rating: 7/10


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